Frank Zappa – Over-Nite Sensation
Release Date: Saturday, January 1, 2011

This folio features note-for-note transcriptions with tab for all seven tracks from Zappa's watershed 1973 release:
ISBN: 9780634061103 Width: 9.0"/ Length: 12.0" 104 pages English Introduction: WHEN music that is not NORMAL is outlawed, your'e gonna thank me for telling you to buy extra copies of this book... you will bury them in a lead box at a secret location...and trust me...they WILL be starting with the Z's.. when i was 16 & i bought my first zappa record (this one) i had committed the entire disc to memory & i would get on the subway & "put it on" in my head & let it play...i would start with zomby woof...this is pre-walkman daze... & every note was the time i got to the montana solo, i couldn't believe the other people on the train weren't hearing, you might wanna do the same...just in case it's all DELETED... frank zappa wasn't just the guy with the coolest muckin fustache ever, WE all know he was the greatest guitarist/composer of the 20th century., .(he always said i was easily amused), i spent most of my time between the age of 16 & 22 trying to convince anyone who liked music that they could LOVE zappa...i saw this band in 1973 at Brooklyn College... it was REAL magic..frank on one side of the stage with george behind him, & this girl ruth, who frank would talk to, doing the most amazing things on the other... & the singer's name was napoleon...i was ecstatic..sounds that i only heard before in cartoons, or in scores of films were all there, even munchkins...the guitar playing was unique... melodic & angry...& it fit PERFECTLY with his songs...the riffs he wrote,...heavier & harder than all the zeppelin, deep purple & sabbath stuff that i'd regurgitated for years. ..overnite was my secret weapon when i was turning people on to frank,., a fun process indeed... & i could easily support my best guitar player argument with it... this is one of the dream mothers lineups & arguably the best ever assembled in ANY genre... frank, ian, ruth, george AND the fowlers!!! genius, chemistry, personality, what frank did was simply musical entertainment at it's finest...but, not just for distraction's sake...if you LISTEN to zappa you can learn...not just about music..he kept a lot of kids away from drugs, he made you consult the dictionary now & again, he encouraged going to the library to seek out information for yourself...& he explained everything you needed to know about groupies, absurd fetishes & life on the road...these would prove invaluable to me...what a role model i chose...THIS JUST IN: did you ever entertain the fact that some of YOUR favorite rockstars of this gaLORious era might've been delving deeper into their drug use not just due to subconscious tension, but because they might've been trying to figure out what concoction frank was using? maybe they heard about his dad being a chemist... frank vincent zappa was & will forever be the wizard of odd times...the great imaginer...the greatest organizer of sound events & words in history...& let me tell ya, a hell of a great person & friend...the most giving, honest, sensible, hardworking, & special human being ever created...he had a magical presence, an energy you could feel...he was electric...& i loved him & his music more than anything in my life...more importantly, my life as i know it would not exist without him..quite the Mother.... when i was a kid in the audience with tears of joy streaming down my face, like they are now, or when i was on stage playing with him, the words i most dreaded hearing would come all too often for me..."we'd like to thank you very much for coming to our concert tonight..." PLEASE COME BACK FOR AN ENCORE.... WC 21 12 07
- Camarillo Brillo
- Dinah-Moe Humm
- Dirty Love
- Fifty-Fifty
- I'm the Slime
- Montana
- Zomby Woof
ISBN: 9780634061103 Width: 9.0"/ Length: 12.0" 104 pages English Introduction: WHEN music that is not NORMAL is outlawed, your'e gonna thank me for telling you to buy extra copies of this book... you will bury them in a lead box at a secret location...and trust me...they WILL be starting with the Z's.. when i was 16 & i bought my first zappa record (this one) i had committed the entire disc to memory & i would get on the subway & "put it on" in my head & let it play...i would start with zomby woof...this is pre-walkman daze... & every note was the time i got to the montana solo, i couldn't believe the other people on the train weren't hearing, you might wanna do the same...just in case it's all DELETED... frank zappa wasn't just the guy with the coolest muckin fustache ever, WE all know he was the greatest guitarist/composer of the 20th century., .(he always said i was easily amused), i spent most of my time between the age of 16 & 22 trying to convince anyone who liked music that they could LOVE zappa...i saw this band in 1973 at Brooklyn College... it was REAL magic..frank on one side of the stage with george behind him, & this girl ruth, who frank would talk to, doing the most amazing things on the other... & the singer's name was napoleon...i was ecstatic..sounds that i only heard before in cartoons, or in scores of films were all there, even munchkins...the guitar playing was unique... melodic & angry...& it fit PERFECTLY with his songs...the riffs he wrote,...heavier & harder than all the zeppelin, deep purple & sabbath stuff that i'd regurgitated for years. ..overnite was my secret weapon when i was turning people on to frank,., a fun process indeed... & i could easily support my best guitar player argument with it... this is one of the dream mothers lineups & arguably the best ever assembled in ANY genre... frank, ian, ruth, george AND the fowlers!!! genius, chemistry, personality, what frank did was simply musical entertainment at it's finest...but, not just for distraction's sake...if you LISTEN to zappa you can learn...not just about music..he kept a lot of kids away from drugs, he made you consult the dictionary now & again, he encouraged going to the library to seek out information for yourself...& he explained everything you needed to know about groupies, absurd fetishes & life on the road...these would prove invaluable to me...what a role model i chose...THIS JUST IN: did you ever entertain the fact that some of YOUR favorite rockstars of this gaLORious era might've been delving deeper into their drug use not just due to subconscious tension, but because they might've been trying to figure out what concoction frank was using? maybe they heard about his dad being a chemist... frank vincent zappa was & will forever be the wizard of odd times...the great imaginer...the greatest organizer of sound events & words in history...& let me tell ya, a hell of a great person & friend...the most giving, honest, sensible, hardworking, & special human being ever created...he had a magical presence, an energy you could feel...he was electric...& i loved him & his music more than anything in my life...more importantly, my life as i know it would not exist without him..quite the Mother.... when i was a kid in the audience with tears of joy streaming down my face, like they are now, or when i was on stage playing with him, the words i most dreaded hearing would come all too often for me..."we'd like to thank you very much for coming to our concert tonight..." PLEASE COME BACK FOR AN ENCORE.... WC 21 12 07